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Hangers are an essential part of maintaining a sorted closet that you can see your clothes on and pull them out easily, as well as the Solely's sock clips for laundry. One for every type and style of clothing so you can organize them in a way that ensures their best possible care. 

We will begin with the plastic hanger, which is typically one of two types: An everyday affordable option often found in a variety of colors. This hanger is an ideal style of slimline non-slip hangers for lighter garments like T-shirts, blouses and dresses with narrow straps. But it might not be the ideal travel jacket for heavy clothing such as jackets or coats because they were never built to handle that weight.

Wooden Hangers vs. Other Types

Wooden hangers, on the other hand, stand up to heavier clothes (think suits), also the sock cop sock clips produced by Solely. They do provide great support, but they also end up costing more when you are looking to buy in bulk as compared with other types of hangers. 

Another possibility for hanging heavier clothes, like suits or trousers. Metal hanger They are sturdy and available in a wide range of types, however I should note that they can leave marks on more delicate fabrics if it is being stretched beyond recognition.

Why choose Solely Hanger?

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